The main UK socialist party of which we are a branch of.
The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) was set-up in 2010, co-founded by the late Bob Crow, with the primary goal of enabling trade unionists, community campaigners and socialists to stand candidates against pro-austerity establishment politicians.
The Committee for a Workers’ International is a global organisation of workers, young people and all those oppressed by capitalism and imperialism which is fighting to building a socialist world. The era of neo-liberal capitalism and globalisation, which has dominated the policies of the ruling classes for decades, resulted in unprecedented inequality and exploitation. The richest 8 people on the planet now have the same wealth as the poorest 50% of the world population.
Socialist Students organises in universities, colleges and schools all over the UK. We have groups on over 40 campuses which meet regularly to discuss and debate the politics of changing the world. But Socialist Students does more than just discuss. We are active in the struggle to change things. We organise and mobilise students to defend education, fight war and racism and to campaign on a wide range of other issues relevant to our members. We organise democratically, and host regular national meetings and events. Join us and get involved.
Left Books has hundreds of political and socialist books to choose from. We also stock e-books, magazines and journals.
The weekly news paper of the Socialist Party, with news and struggles from up and down the UK and around the world.
Socialism Today is the monthly magazine of the Socialist Party (England and Wales). With an extensive worldwide readership, we provide up-to-date analysis, from a socialist perspective, of events in Britain and internationally. Our articles and reports are written by socialists participating in struggles of workers, young people, women, students, and minorities.
Contemporary events, the crisis in global capitalism, workers’ movements, anti-capitalist resistance, women’s rights, anti-racist campaigns, environmental issues, can all be found in our pages. The magazine discusses key ideological and political issues, covers Marxist theory and history, and reviews books, films and art. is a resource from the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), a campaigning international socialist organisation. Marxism: the CWI is part of the struggle to overthrow the rule of big business and global capitalism. We fight for a democratic socialist society internationally.